Pastoral Letter - March 18, 2020


Grace and peace be to you in Christ’s Name! March 18, 2020

Your Official Board met after church last Sunday and considered carefully the advice of the Ontario Medical Officer of Health, our own Huron-Perth Medical Officer of Health and the Emergency Plan of the United Church of Canada.  They prayed and discussed all of their options at that time, and what was foremost in their thoughts was the safety of you, our congregation, and the safety of our staff and those who use our facility. The Board’s decision was to close our church for worship and activities in the church until at least the end of the month. The Board will meet again at the end of March to consider our options at that time.  

I am providing pastoral care while working from home.  The phone messages and email are being checked daily, and the message on the machine gives contact information. The post office is being checked twice a week for mail.  Both the church’s website and its Facebook page have been updated and are active.  

I have been holding all of you in my prayers!  I will be contacting you with any updates as we have them.  I will also be sending you a brief worship service at the end of the week.  It is my hope that at 10:30 on Sunday morning we can all worship in our homes at the same time. (or at a time convenient to you around then!)  I have been making pastoral phone calls, and if you want to talk to me, or know of someone who could use a call, please let me know! My home phone number is 519 606 6063, and my cell number is 1 519 436 3428. Both numbers are on the website.  You can contact me by either of my emails:, or  I am also on Facebook, if you want to look me up!  

Please remember Clinton United in your prayers as well.  If this COVID-19 pandemic continues then we must remain closed in order to protect our families, friends and neighbours. Please think about how you can support our church in this challenging time, even as we continue to reach out to support those who need our help and our prayers. 

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, remember your neighbours, families and friends in this time!  Contact them!  Take time to make a friendly wave from a distance, an offer to pick up groceries, a phone call or other means to keep us connected, even as the Holy Spirit binds us all together! I am looking forward to seeing you all again, when this passes. 

Rev. Cathy Larmond