A View from my Window ~ April 25 2024

Things are starting to get green! The trees are starting to put out their buds. Some are green, while others are a very dark red. Their leaves will come out as a bright crimson until they get older and go a dark green. Then there are the forsythias, which come out with lovely yellow flowers to get us started with spring! 

The bulbs are up and starting to flower as well. Lovely yellow daffodils as well as multicoloured narcissi. The crocuses are mostly done, just a few later varieties, and the tulips are getting ready, but the only place I have seen them blooming is at Gladys Van Egmond’s stop sign. Everywhere else they are standing straight and tall, but haven’t opened up yet. 

I’m seeing dandelions with their brilliant yellow flowers starting to make their appearance in my lawn, along with the occasional “volunteer” tulip. I actually saw a few people out cutting their grass. I’m hoping to wait a little longer before I have to start that weekly chore!

It is time to clean up my garden. I leave the dead flower heads over the winter so that birds and small animals can get at the seeds that are still left in them. I also tell myself that it lends “winter interest” to the garden. As long as I get out before the new plants get up too high, they aren’t hurting anyone by being there. But if I wait too long then it is more difficult to remove the old ones with this year’s growth coming up. 

It is good to see the change of seasons. The spring flowers are always brilliant colours, to help the insects to find them. Summer flowers tend to be more pastel shades. After the long winter of whites and browns and greys, it is wonderful to see the green grass and the red, yellow and orange flowers. It lifts our spirits! Yes, some days are still grey and rainy, but we need those days to feed the plants and flowers that we hope to see in our gardens in May. Usually the rains are warm and help to encourage the growth in our gardens, and soon, also in the fields around us. 

I’m also seeing a bit more of my neighbours. Unless we happen to run into each other while shovelling snow, I don’t tend to see them as much during the winter, but with gardening, grass cutting and walking, I see a lot more people in the warm months than I do in the winter. It is good to come out of hibernation and to see my neighbours doing the same! 

Spring Is a lovely time of year!